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The Importance of Accreditation

Earning a degree from an ABET-accredited program:

  • graduate certificateVerifies that the quality of the educational experience you’ve received meets the standards of the profession.
  • Increases and enhances employment opportunities.
  • Establishes eligibility for many federal student loans, grants, and/or scholarships.

An ABET-accredited program assures prospective students that:

  • The institution is committed to improving their educational experience.
  • The program is committed to using best practices and innovation in education.
  • The program is guided by its industry, government, and academic constituents through formal feedback.
  • The program considers the students’ perspective as part of its continuous quality improvement process.

To learn more about why your degree should come from an accredited program, visit

Special note for students pursuing the Patent Bar: To be admitted to the exam, you must earn your computer science degree from an accredited program.

Computing Career Information

It’s an exciting time to begin a computing career! Our member organizations have lots of information to help you get started:

ACM Student Resources

IEEE-CS Student Resources

ASA Student Resources

Additional Sites for Career Information:

Learn to Code:

Black Girls Code:

Find a Mentor:

Computer and Software Engineering:

Women in STEM:

Scholarships for Women in STEM:

Student Membership Chapters

Association for Computing Machinery logo

IEEE Computer Society Logo
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